Select Queue as the Destination type, enter jms/ auditQueue for the queue JNDI name, and select your SCA application bus. 选择Queue作为目的地类型,在队列JNDIname中输入jms/auditQueue,并选择SCA应用程序总线。
Click New to create a new destination of type Queue. 单击New创建类型Queue的新目标。
Queue managers on separate nodes: The ultimate option is to split the traffic between queue managers on different physical servers, where each is tuned for a different type of message. 单独节点上的队列管理器:最后一个选项是在不同物理服务器上的队列管理器之间划分流量,其中每个队列管理器为不同类型的消息做了优化。
This queue type is similar to a concurrent blocking queue except that the size of the queue is bounded. 这种队列与并发阻塞队列相似,但是对队列的大小有限制。
Click New to create a new destination, then select Queue as the destination type, then click Next. 单击New创建一个新目标,选择Queue作为目标类型,然后单击Next。
Do not include physical attributes, such as the queue manager name, the sending application name ( this is an old point-to-point practice), or the type of queue. 请不要包括物理属性,例如队列管理器名称、发送应用程序名称(这是旧式的点对点做法)或队列类型。
Review your selections and click Finish to create the destination of type Queue. 检查您的选择,然后单击Finish创建类型Queue的目标。
Each servant region will have instances of the MDBs running within it and process ( consume) messages from the MQ queue based on the messages priority type. 每个服务区域将具有运行于其中的MDB实例,并基于消息优先级类型处理(使用)来自MQ队列的消息。
Acceptance of inbound messages from the source queue manager is handled by an SCA Export with a WebSphere MQ binding type. 从源队列管理器接收入站消息是由一个SCAExport以及一个WebSphereMQ绑定类型处理的。
Message properties flow with any message in a WebSphere MQ queue manager, each consisting of a textual name and a value of a particular type. 消息属性随WebSphereMQ队列管理器中的任何消息流动,每个消息属性都包括一个文本名称和一个特定类型的值。
Another common threading model is to have a single background thread and task queue for tasks of a certain type. 另一个常见的线程模型是为某一类型的任务分配一个后台线程与任务队列。
However, if the database or queue storage is implemented, then you can use this flag to get the attachment from the corresponding storage type. 但是,如果数据库或队列存储得到实现,那么您可以使用该标志从相应存储类型中获取附件。
Create a destination of type Queue. 创建一个Queue类型目标。
For the queue, type jms/ ReqQ. 对于队列,请输入jms/ReqQ。
You can use virtual printers to create images from documents, fax documents, or send documents to a queue to be formatted for a specific type of printer. 您可以使用虚拟打印机从文档中创建图像、传真文档,或将文档发送给一个队列,以针对特定类型的打印机进行格式化。
Keep the message processing rate at a high volume so that the number of messages on queue are minimal irrespective of the type of the messages. 保持较高的消息处理速率,无论消息类型如何,都尽量减少队列上的消息的数量。
When the wizard opens, type in the queue manager name JMSDEMO and check the box to Make this the default queue manager. 当向导打开时,键入队列管理器名称JMSDEMO,并选中Makethisthedefaultqueuemanager框。
The queue% 1 is not transactional. Transactional retrieval is allowed only for transactional queues. Please change the message processing type. 队列%1不是事务性的。事务性检索只能对事务性队列进行。请更改消息处理类型。
The receiver side reads out the data from FIFO queue according to the type of data, and form one integrated frame to make sure of the integrality of frame. 接收方根据所传类型,将读出数据按自动行成帧处理以保证帧完整。
In the create message queue dialog box, type a name for your queue. 在“创建消息队列”对话框中,键入队列的名称。
And ( 3) Queue Type Identification Algorithm. 排队类型判定算法。
The m/ m/ c queue with synchronous times of phase type set-up 相型同步启动时间的M/M/c排队系统
In this paper, we give a detailed analysis of the M/ M/ c queue with synchronous set-up times of phase type. 本文研究带有同步启动时间的M/M/c系统;其中启动时间是相型(PH)变量。
Active Queue Management Mechanism of Supporting Priority Processing Based on Type of Flow 支持流类型优先级处理的主动队列管理机制
, the joint distribution of busy and idle periods, are obtained. The method can easily be extended to the GI/ SPH/ 1 queue where SPH means the infinite phase type distribution. 这一方法容易推广到服务时间为无限位相型分布的GI/SPH/1排队。
This paper proposes a new active queue management mechanism which gives different priority to each flow based on the type of flow. 提出了一种根据流类型进行不同优先级处理的主动队列管理机制。
The circle queue is a type of dynamic data structure. 首尾相接的循环队列是一种动态的数据结构。
The first scheme adopts weight fairness and two-level buffer schedule ideas. The aggregation weight factor of each queue is dynamically adjusted based on the packet overtime urgent factor defined to satisfy the delay requirement of each QoS type of service. 第1种策略采用比例公平和两级缓冲区调度思想,根据各个队列的包超时紧迫因子来动态调整各个队列的聚合权重值,以满足各个QOS等级业务的最大时延需求。